I always try to use memes in my powerpoints and lesson when I am teaching. It helps the students better connect with the material, gives them a chuckle, and helps break up the text. I have always just searched for my own online, but sometimes you cannot find the exact meme you want. So, I decided for my tech creation I will look over different meme makers and which ones I prefer.
The first one I tried is called MemeMaker.net. It is pretty simple as you choose an already existing meme background and then you can add whatever text you want to on the bottom and top. It also lets you adjust the text size and color. It does have an option to uploaded your own image for a meme, but I found that the quality, once it was uploaded, was not the best.
The second site I tried out is called imgflip.com. I like it slightly better than the MemeMaker site as it gives you a few more options when you are creating your meme, but is still fairly simple. I also like that it has a search bar you can type in a keyword to find already existing meme backgrounds. I think you would be able to use this to create your own memes as a teacher, but you could also use this as an assignment for students to create a meme based on what they are learning in class.