Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hello Fellow Knights~

I'm Caitlin, but a continuous nickname growing up with my family has been, CaitiBee, hence the blog title. I will take that nickname over the many others they have come up with me any day (thumper, misses potato head, and more embarrassing ones that shall never be uttered or recorded). I am a glass-half-full kind of person and I am always looking for the positives in any situation, which I think will serve me well as a future teacher.

I love to travel and have fun, no matter what it may be. I love adventure and have a bucket list a mile long:

  • Swimming with stingrays ✔
  • Zip lining over the rain forest ✔ 
  • Cave tubing ✔
  • Learn a second language ✔
  • Complete a 5K ✔
  • Rock wall climb ✔ 
  • See New York City ✔
  • Do something outside of my comfort zone ✔
  • Become a purposeful teacher
  • and many more!
I look forward to writing for this class and blogging once again!

My second language that I'm still learning for mastery is Korean!

Rock Wall Climbing!

Getting way out of my comfort zone: volunteering to go up on stage and shake my booty at a show in Haiti.

Completing my first 5K with my friend Jess.

Seeing one of my favorite Artist's artwork, Monet's Water Lillies at the MoMa in NYC.

What are some of your items on your bucket list?